Monday, September 12, 2005

dirty wirty

a search for "sex confessions of arab women" on msn will lead you to my blog. that's how SOMEONE ended up here. why is it that people are so damn curious about the sex lives of women from a society that supposedly practises the purdah system(segregation of sexes)? its as if a purdah is synonmyous to promiscuousness to them. pathetic. or mebbe its all those trashy novels and movies made upon arabiam women and ish. i wonder how many masturbate just thinking about women in arabia! :- yukity yuk.


Raheel Lakhani said...


BrainSyke said...


3rd avenue said...

rotfl, lol, lmao
the search bit is just ridiculously hilarious! :p

discopapaya said...

maybe mine would turn up if i tried something like fresh fruit.. or fresh papayas.. hehe

Rude Awakenings said...

whoa, ambiguity does lead to rumors. Maybe thats why all the hype and curiosity towards arab women.

lol.. the search bit is funny.