"Why is this heart of yours so unbelieving?
It�s not as if
Truth is dead"
Sigh. Why are ppl so afraid to trust?
That's the english translation of the song sanwal by junoon from their album parvaaz. you can get the lyrics, both the original in urdu and the english version, here.
yayyyy koftey
Faiza I am scared of you. And I am gonna stay away from you from now on. I mean it. Check ur mail.
ermm, aight pratu, i deleted it all off. dont wanna scare people :-D
because trust always comes back to bite you in the ass.
its overrated.
the reason is that trust ain't exactly all so very faithful. it's a risky game :S
arent we all being a bit subjectvie/emotional here? most of hte times we DO know we hsoudlnt be trusting certian people on CERTAIN issue,s but we still go ahead and do it BECAUSE WE WANT TO. Thats out own weakness. It's pointless calling them names. We shoulda just seen and acted upon the obvious.
When i say trust here, i mean over small generic things. It's like, no matter what u sya or do, people always think theres an ulterior motive behind it. and that gets on my nerves so bad. i dont want to prove to nayone that they can trust me over certain things. because that kind of trust should come automatically when they know the sort of person i am. unless and until they think i am FAKING my personality, my values, my believe heck even my character. I've put my trust in people whove never attempted to win my trust. For example, trusting someone to handle a certain job. It doesnt matter to me what the persons rep otherwise maybe, if i know they are GOOD at doing somethign in particular, they are GOOD at it. It's an objective thing. I'll refer their name. And to date, in those cases, i have never had to be regret my choices. You dont WIN someones trust, thats BS. If ur trying to WIN it, or if ur the sort who wants people to PROVE to you that you can trust them, ur just a bloody drama king/queen. Coz thepersons only gonna have to think up of ingenious ways to let u know they are trustworthy, its all very UNNATURAL, and one fine day he/she is gonna get bloody sick of you for not TRUSTING them.
some people can be shockers tho, ive come across them too, but i also acknowledge the fact that they always showed signs, but i didnt want to believe the obvious. MY weakness. They were just being themselves. I also know that i CAN still trust them on the many things i know they will always do. And do well. Objectivity. Not subjectivity.
as someone famous once said...
I trust everyone.
I just don't trust the devil inside them.
Its all about the perception and past experiences attached to it.
once a junoonie always a junoonie
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